
Whether you want to modify your vehicle while living in Illinois or you`re moving to the state with a modified vehicle, you need to know the laws to make sure you`re legal on the road. Here are some of the requirements for vehicles in Illinois. Essentially, this means that many of the exhaust system changes that are often made to sports or racing cars can be considered illegal. When installing replacement exhaust modifications, make sure they do not make excessive noise. Are chimneys illegal? But you`ll probably never be bothered because you have them. According to the DOT, a modified exhaust is not legal in any state. (You can`t even go to an aftermarket silencer without breaking the law.) While there are no standards for noise levels, there are some standard laws that apply to all cars in all states and places: It`s illegal to try to modify your existing muffler to make your car noisier. It is illegal to drive a car that has no kind of silencer. Illinois has the following regulations for vehicle frame and suspension systems: Illinois requires that road bars and custom vehicles be titled and registered based on the vehicle`s body make and the year of its inception. Vehicles are not allowed to exceed 13 feet 6 inches in height. Batteries are much quieter from the outside, depending on where you place them, there can be some serious roars inside, but a side outlet will have something to reverberate, so it will become louder from the outside. In summary, the exhaust systems of Illinois-registered vehicles must not produce “excessive or unusual” noise. Aftermarket exhaust systems or exhaust modifications shall not under any circumstances amplify or amplify the noise normally generated by the vehicle`s original equipment.

Suspension modifications may not increase or lower the height of the vehicle`s bumper by more than three inches. Several Illinois counties require emissions testing. Visit the DMV website in your county to find out if this is necessary. Illinois laws require that passenger and other vehicles weighing less than 8,000 pounds emit no more than 76 DB A on highways with a speed limit of less than 35 miles per hour or 85 DB A on highways with a speed limit of more than 35 miles per hour. Vehicles 25 years of age or older and equipped with original equipment must have an old registration number. If you want to make sure your vehicle modifications comply with Illinois change laws, YourMechanic can provide the moving mechanics to help you install the new parts. You can also ask our mechanics which modifications are best for your car using our free online Q&A system Ask a Mechanic. Please keep in mind that state laws are subject to change and it is important to review the laws and regulations in effect in Illinois, but also in your local city or county, to ensure you get accurate information. “dB A” means the abbreviation consisting of the A-weighted sound level and the sound level unit, the decibel. A non-reflective tint can be applied to the top six inches of the windshield.

Every motor vehicle driven or circulating on the highways of that State shall at all times be equipped with an appropriate silencer or exhaust system, which shall be constantly operated and properly maintained in order to avoid excessive or unusual noise. Such a silencer or exhaust system shall not be equipped with a cutting, bypass or similar device. No person shall alter the exhaust system of a motor vehicle in such a way as to amplify or amplify the sound of that vehicle which goes beyond that emitted by the silencer originally installed in the vehicle and such original silencer shall satisfy all the requirements of this section. Many car enthusiasts choose to modify their car`s exhaust system, but there are laws that regulate the noise limit your vehicle can produce. The following section describes the relevant laws and laws relating to car exhaust noise laws in Illinois. Tip: Also check with local Illinois County laws to make sure you follow municipal noise ordinances that are stricter than state-level laws. The following table shows all vehicle exhaust noise level requirements in accordance with the Illinois Administrative Code: Vehicles 4,500 pounds or less have a maximum front bumper height of 24 inches and a rear bumper height of 26 inches. Vehicles under 4,500 GVWR have a maximum frame height of 24 inches. Illinois regulations require that sound systems be inaudible within 25 feet of the property boundaries in residential areas. Mufflers are required and must be in good condition and must not emit sounds of more than 85 decibels when driving at more than 35 miles per hour. The vehicle is considered a road pole if it resembles a model from 1948 or older.

Passenger cars and other motor vehicles weighing less than 8,000 pounds may produce up to 74 db A if the speed limit is less than 35 mph, or 82 db A if the speed limit is greater than 35 mph (with a permissible variation of 3%). Most vehicles fall into this category. Violation of car noise limits in Illinois results in a fine of $75 to $125. The front side windows, rear side windows and rear windows must transmit more than 35% of the light. The following excerpt is from the Illinois Vehicle Code, ยง 12.602. Illinois has strict regulations to control the amount of noise that vehicles are allowed to emit. In addition to sound systems and mufflers, Illinois also doesn`t allow tires to squeak unless they`re emergency vehicles. Mufflers cannot be modified to produce louder sounds than the manufacturer`s original equipment.